Well the little white bunny has been and gone for another year which means that we were graced with a visit from H-er and family. A great time was had by all - lots of bike riding, playing, running around and yelling by the kids and heaps of scrapping by H-er and I. I amazed myself at my ability to do more than one LO for the long weekend and H-er scrapped up a storm as well.
We did our traditional (well third year in a row anyway lol) easter egg hunt which was enjoyed by all the kids. Truth be told, I think H-er and I enjoy it more than the kids for the photo opportunities hehehehe.
In all the excitement to get the perfect shot of the easter eggs, I had a little accident on the ladder of the cubby house - both legs are quite bruised and the cuts are a little bit infected but it doesn't matter - all in a day's work for an obsessed scrapbooker. Note to self - DO NOT MESS WITH THE EASTER BUNNY!!

The best part about the weekend was having the chance to sit and scrap with H-er. We tucked ourselves away in my scraproom after some quick rearranging of furniture and scrapped to our heart's content. This is what I managed to come up with:
Layout One - Gymkhana
A photo of my mum (RH side on 4th horse) and her brothers and sisters. Picture was taken at a Gymkhana during the Mungindi Show crica 1954. Looks like she won a prize or something given the sash that she is wearing.
Layout Two - Mud Brothers.
A double page LO of Mitch and Lachie using some pictures that I took out the front of the house a few weeks ago. I had come home from work sick and bought them with me because I was afraid that I would not be well enough to pick them up later in the day. I put a movie on for them and promptly fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later to squeals and giggles and this is what I found - I think I blogged about this down futher.
Layout Three - Faces of Lachie.
The pictures say it all, there is nothing else for me to say about this one.
Layout Four - M
A LO using Mitchell's daycare photo from 2007. Was very disappointed in the way these photos were processed - all the children came out very yellow looking. Needless to say, Daycare never used these photographers again.
Layout Five- Charlie Cat
A LO of my best buddie cat, Charlie. He is almost 10 years old - we got him about 5 weeks after Tony and I were married and he has been by my side constantly ever since then. I will be a total mess if something was to happen to him. Can't believe he will be 10 next month.
Layout Six - Mud Angel
I have been dying to use these Heidi Swapp wings ever since her workshop last December. As soon as I took this photo, I knew that the wings would be perfect.
Layout Seven - Man Bucket
This is one of my all time favourite photos of Lachlan. It has been sitting in my box of pics for almost 2 years and it wasn't until this weekend when I finally worked out what I wanted to do with it. Lachie has a thing about handbags, so much so that we call them manbags in our house and for a long time he thought that manbags was their proper name. Cannot work out why it took me so long to work out the title for this. :o
I need H-er to come back again because I haven't scrapped since she left. Maybe she stole my mojo and tucked it away in the camper.
Hope you all had a great easter. Enjoy what is left of the holidays - back to school for me on Monday, kids on Tuesday.
Me xoxoxoxo
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