As you may have read in the post I made about Easter, I had a bit of an accident on Easter Sunday. Turns out, it wasn't such a little accident. After spending most of the weekend in pain, I took myself back to the doctors on Monday (3rd time in 5 days) and begged to see someone to have a look at my leg. I was promptly taken into the nurses room where all the nurses on duty too great joy in examining, poking and prodding around the wounds, all the while exclaiming how badly infected it was - this is despite the antibiotic tablets and cream I was prescribed on the Tuesday after it happened. Thankfully they called one of my 'usual' doctors (whom I didn't see the first two times worst luck :( ) who ordered me to have complete bed rest with the leg elevated from Monday through to Wednesday with a daily trip in for re-dressing and examining.
Me being me and not wanting to put work out or let anyone down asked if that was really necessary - you know can't you just give me more antibiotics etc and I will go to school and rest it as much as I can type thing. Well wasn't I in for a rude shock when I was told it was home to bed or straight into hospital.
So three days later, I am over bed rest and now facing at least 2 more days of it as the infection isn't any better - it is no worse but no better either. The good news was that I did actually listen to the dr and took her words seriously and I have hardly left the bed since Monday - well hardly if you don't count still driving the boys to town for school/daycare and then going to drs for new dressings etc. But that is life when you are away from family who can lend a hand and when you have 6000 acres that needed spraying yesterday.
The week also got off to a bad start when our be-loved dog, Tess, died. We have only had her for just under two years but we all loved her very much - yeah maybe not me as much as Tony and the boys, I am more of a cat person but I am still very saddened by her passing. Like most places out here on the Darling Downs, we are facing an influx of rats and mice. Given how much grain we have stored and how many $$$ it is worth (pity it goes to the boss and not me :( lol), Tony dutifully laid baits around the sheds, silos and in the garage of our house to try and prevent them from doing too much damage. Tess being as inquisitive as ever got stuck into some of the bait and proceeded to have a fine time sniffing out all the dead rodents - needless to say she got sick from the poison. Tony took her to the vets and was given the (sort of) good news that of all the rat poison to consume, what she had was the least lethal to dogs. Sadly she must have had a lot more than we or the vets thought and she slowly went downhill. Tony found her when he came home for lunch yesterday. Poor thing, he loves his dogs more than anything - they are his best mates and loyal companions who willingly follow him. He has not spoken about it but I know just how upset he is - the quieter he goes, the more he is hurting.
(Picture taken early 2008 before we moved to this farm)

The good news of the week - finally something good to share - was that I did get around to entering some Layouts in our local show and walked away with 1 first and 3 seconds. Lol just had a flashback to childhood and playing Monopoly - 'YOU HAVE WON 2ND PRIZE IN A BEAUTY CONTEST, COLLECT $10 hehehehehehehe.
I was very happy with that considering I wasn't going to put anything in. Sadly because of my leg, I didn't get to go and see them up on display to take pictures so I will show you the LO's again instead.
(hate this cateogry, need to contact the local show society and get them to change it - does anyone else think it is a silly category???)
(very surprised at this because I hate the page - too simple and too plain and just yuck)
This is the top bit off one of those $2 calendars that I altered - it sits on the wall right beside my computer screen.

Ok well seeing as I should be resting and keeping the leg elevated, I should leave this here. Hope you are all doing well. A special call out to a very very special beastie, Beck. Take care hun, look after yourself and give yourself a big hug from me. love ya hun.
Sarah xoxoxo
Oh goodness Sarah, I am glad to hear your leg is better! That cut looked terribly sore!
So sorry to hear about Tess.
Congrats on the winnings though! :)
:) I have one of your altered calenders sitting near my computer too!
So sad to hear about Tess, pets really do become like family huh? So very sorry hun.
Take care of yourself and heal up - that leg infestion sounds icky!
Hey there gorgeous girl!! Just been catching up on whats been happening in the Hemmings household...lots of drama! Hope your leg starts to heal soon, sounds very nasty. I'm so sad to hear about Tess, I can imagine how upset you all is awful to lose a pet that you are so close to. She was a beautiful girl. And congrats on winning your prizes...the layouts are fantastic! Gorgeous work as always..spending the last hour or so looking through yours and beck's blog has really inspired me to get off my butt and scrap! I am working on the cj's I have thanks for the inspiration!
Lots of luv xxx
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