The other thing which I think has made an impact on my scrapping is the fact that I have moved scrapbook areas. My old space was at the other end of our house in a small room attached to our bedroom. It was very isolating out there and while I loved being able to shut myself away sometimes, I was also aware that I was not spending as much time with the family as I probably should have. Solution??? I moved out into the main area of the house into what I guess you could call the formal dining room - not that we have ever used it as a dining room lol. In an ideal world, I would love a small half wall to separate the formal dining and lounge rooms. Unfortunately the house doesn't belong to us. I have plans to get a sideboard or something similar to create a mini wall one day but organisation was at the top of my list. My first step was a wall unit. My preferred option would have been the IKEA Expedit but with the nearest IKEA 3 1/2 hrs away, that was not going to happen any time soon. SuperAmart provided my solution and I am loving it. Still have not moved a lot of 'stuff' out but I am getting started. The best thing about this unit is that the Cropper Hopper 12x12 paper holders fit into the cubes - unlike my much beloved Expedit unit. So this is Step One of my scraproom makeover:I have got another bookcase to assemble but that will have to wait for the weekend. Maybe I will come back then with more pictures or even more scrapping showntell. LOL Enjoy your Thursday, hope it is a good one.
S. xoxoxoWednesday, March 30, 2011
Too Cute and a fresh start
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Savvy Cybercrop Part 2
There is one challenge I have yet to attempt - San's. For this challenge we had to raid our scrap stash to create some gift tags. Not sure if I will get time to attempt this one but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Think that is me updated for another day. Thanks for stopping by.
S xoxoxo
Monday, March 28, 2011
Never in a million years ....
The third challenge I attempted was Kerryn's and I haven't quite finished it yet. For this challenge we had to create a lo using papers from at least three manufacturers (all of which had to be released Summer 2010 or earlier), two different colours of cardstock and a hand-made embellishment. As soon as I saw the colours of Lachlan's soccer jersey, I knew this was the perfect chance to use some up some of my old Bazzill colours. I think this will be the first of many soccer layouts but for a change, this one is for me:
and some close-ups:
The second part of the challenge is to create a card using the scraps we have left over from the layout. WTF???!!! Me making a card????!!!! Cards are soooooooooooo not my thing. Oh well, I had better go try my hand at cardmaking lol. The challenges are open until Thursday so why not head on over to Scrapbook Savvy and give them a go. Take care S xoxoxo
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
3 posts in 3 days
Monday, March 21, 2011
Some kind of Wonderful
This layout was created for Kerryn's ABC Challenge over at Scrapbook Savvy. The criteria for the challenge were:
- Create your page/s using a specific letter as your main one word title and include the matching criteria listed below for that letter.
- Letters: W (writing and white); X (kisses, xanthian - Greek word for yellow)
Why not follow the links above and check out the challenge for yourself??? What have you got to lose? Nothing and just think, it will be another layout completed for your albums.
Hope everyone has had an ok start to the week. Take care
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sunday Roundup yet again
The photo I used in Layout 2 makes me laugh every time I see it. It is so typical of our every day lives - Lachie always struggling to keep up with Mitch in so many ways. It was supposed to be based on the latest Stuck Sketch but somehow I managed to get all the elements in the wrong places lol :o
Layout number 3 is one that I am feeling a bit ho-hum about. I took Sar's March Random Kit challenge from the Scrapbook Savvy forum. The challenge asks scrappers to create a layout using one of the March Savvy Kits, fussy cutting, staples and two label stickers included in the kits. I have used the We're Savvy Kit (which has already sold out - just shows you how popular the Savvy Kits are!) to create my layout. I loved the products in the kit, just feeling a bit blah about the end product (hence my earlier comment about everything being the same, same, same):
The fussy cutting was around the sign post and watering cans - paper from Webster's Pages Spring Market Papers. Not sure if you can tell what the original looked like from the picture below but it might give you an idea:My final layout is my least favourite of the weekend and comes complete with button and bling chunder (what happens when you throw a heap of buttons and bling/pearls onto a layout). It was also my first attempt at making paper roses - another miss there too I think lol. I love this photo of Mitchell, it is his thinking face. You can tell that he is deep in thought whenever he sucks in his bottom lip - a regular occurrence in our house. That kid would have to be one of the deepest thinkers I know - hmmmmmmmm wonder where he gets that from :o lol
Monday, March 14, 2011
Monday Scrapping Goodness
This past weekend saw me packing up my gear and heading into my LSS for a crop night with some of my friends from town. Like most crop nights, I did far more talking than scrapping. I have decided that getting part of a layout done is better than not getting anything done at all. I surprised myself by getting almost two layouts done. Yeah I know, pretty pathetic compared to super speedy scrapper Donna (man can that woman scrap!).
This is the first layout I managed to do:
I love this chipboard bird and flourish from Dusty Attic. I misted it with Tattered Angels Chalkboard mist and then did a light spray with pearl mist. Will definitely been looking for more chipboard like this to add to my stash.
Oh October Afternoon, how I love thee. Yes, if you haven't already guessed it by now, October Afternoon is perhaps my most favourite line. I love the paper, I LOVE the sticker embellishments ... I LOVE IT ALL!!!
Layout Number 2 ended as a work in progress. Although I have already photographed it (usually my sign that it is done), I feel that it needs more, probably on the top right hand side. I have been playing with it a bit but can't come up with anything I am happy with. It wasn't until I photographed the layout that I realised how similar in design it was to Layout No 1.
Loving experimenting with material on layouts lately, although I think I really need to get something that is NOT gingham. I have four different sets of material all in the same gingham pattern left over from about 12 years ago when I first started teaching. I bought them so that Mum could make some skirts for me for work. She made two but I have enough material for two more.
I also actually managed to do a layout tonight. Scrapping during the school week is almost unheard of for me. Normally I am either too busy planning, marking or just trying to wind down to be bothered to scrap. Last night however, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to finish off some Year 11 English marking and plan the week. The loss of sleep was worth it - my week is pretty much organised and I am all up-to-date with marking. Yay! So I did this as a little reward to myself - the challenge for Out of the Hat challenge website. Donna, one of the ladies who I scrapped with on Saturday night is on the design team. For the challenge we had to make our own journalling spot, use twine and include a number in the title. This is what I managed to come up with:
I made the journalling spot by tracing around the backing board of something from Jenni Bowlin. After cutting it out, I used a fine script stamp to lightly stamp on the background (I inked up the stamp, stamped in onto a piece of paper then on to the cardstock so it was quite light). I finished the journal spot off with bird stamps from Grant Archival. Not too shabby if I do say so myself lol!
I wanted to take some of the 'blackness' off the Heidi Swapp verb sticker so I added a few coats of Tattered Angels Glaze. Looks so much better in real life.
Well, I think that it about all for tonight. Who knows, I might even manage another layout in the coming days ... it is nice to dream lol.
Hope everyone is well. Take care.
S xoxo
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Another weekend gone
Last of all, a 'just because' layout. I haven't scrapped many of the photos taken of our wedding (about 3 layouts in almost 13 years). I knew that I wanted to use the Prima vines on a wedding page but could just never get it to work the way I wanted. In the end, I just gave up and did the layout.
Until next time.
S xoxoxoxoxo