Sunday, December 20, 2009

Back Again

...... ok I have given you enough time to pick your chins up off the floor.
I must be coming down with something - definitely must be considering I am posting yet again lol.
Had a great day yesterday - finished off the last of the christmas shopping for the boys. Had to pretty much start from scratch with the Santa stuff after someone discovered the loot tucked away somewhere :( Hace decided to play a game of switch-a-roo so now all the Santa pressies will be from Tony and I, and vice versa. Bugger have a kid who loves to explore and is constantly looking around every nook and cranny around the farm, in the house and car. Oh well, will have to work harder to find better hiding spots next year.
I have been loving the holidays so far - lots of cleaning out and clearing out the house and reorganising the scrap room. I finally finished a job I started way back in October when I was at home on bed rest - reorganise the albums and putting all the Layouts in their correct album and in their correct order. Yes I know I tend to be a bit OCD about that sort of stuff :o. But now it is done and this is what it looks like:
Moved all of the LO's out of the old albums - except for the Creative Memories ones used when I first started scrapping - and put them in the Printblocks Ringbinder albums (love, love, love these albums). Then I used white Making Memories rubons to put the name and relevant year/s on the spine of each album. Love how it all looks all neat and tidy and organised. Now all I need is to work out what sort of wall unit I want and I can put them on display instead of in the cupboard lol.
On the scrapping front, I spent yesterday afternoon and evening at the shop. Like always, I didn't create much but I sure had a great time. I was finally able to give T the LO's I did for her - lets just say there were tears all round. I was totally thrilled by her response and I cannot say enough how pleased I am that she liked them. While at the shop, I came up with these two LO's. You can probably tell that I loved the LO from 2peas mentioned in the previous post because I have used exactly the same design again hehehehehe.
Nothing much is planned for today - maybe some more scrapping and I can see 4 cropper hoppers full of patterned paper and cardstock that is more disorganised that goodness knows what. The usual washing and ironing also needs to get done but I am sure I can hang the clothes out inbetween fiddling with a LO and the ironing can wait until another time or maybe later tonight hehehehe.
Ciao for now
Me xoxoxoxoxoxo

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Some Scrapping Goodness

Wow another blog post and it has onlybeen two days, not two months - can I handle this hehehehehehehe.
My desire to scrap is slowly returning and I have managed to complete these projects this week. Two are inspired from LO's found at http:// - totally love that site for all the inspiration and information that can be found, not to mention the shopping when the Aussie $$$ is good.
The first two LO's are of a very special friend who was kind enough to let me take some pics of her baby belly a few months ago. Very happy with the photos and the layouts, even if I do say so myself, and the best bit is that I still have heaps of photos to scrap for her.

Couldn't resist snapping this pic of T and her two gorgeous kids :)

I promise to love you with all my heart :)

The third layout is more of Lachie and his best bud, Dudley Bear. Loved playing with Photoshop with all of the pictures used in these layouts.

Teddy love ... there is nothing better

Well that is about it for now, off scrapping with the girls. Who knows, maybe I will be back again soon with more showntell - lol I make myself laugh sometimes hehehehehehehe.

Me xoxoxo

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Blog Update Well Overdue

I just had to take this pic while the boys were decorating the tree - sums up what this time of year is all about - pure joy.

How cute are my two little Santa's??? OK so well I am biased, but hey, what mother isn't lol.
After some not-so-subtle prompting from someone (aka H-er), I thought it was high time I updated this sadly neglected blog.
What can I say but how mad has this year been? It has flown by so quickly - I cannot believe we are 8 sleeps away from Santa's visit. Term Four passed by in a flash - feels like only yesterday I was welcoming 160-ish eager Yr 8's to their new school, yet school has been finished for a week.
Not a lot has been happening with me of late - the main reason for being so quiet was the fact that I got quite sick with a really bad chest infection (my GP suspected Whooping Cough at one stage) which meant a week of total bed rest and then another 3 weeks of taking things easy - well that was two months ago now and I still get the coughs up, particularly late at night and I don't have all my old energy back, although I have started back at the gym this week and have been swimming while the boys have their lessons for about a month now. I also took some time out from all things technological to focus on trying to get my head back in the right space again - my meds messed with the antibiotics I was on and silly me convinced myself that it didn't matter if I didn't take them once the antibiotics were done - BIG mistake. But I think I am slowly getting back to where I was - thanks to some visits to Toowoomba and just resting.
The boys are very excited about Christmas and have been counting down for weeks - can't believe it is just a few days away really.

Hmmmmmmmm I wonder who is being naughty and who is being nice in this pic lol

Up until this week, scrapping had been absent from my life for over two months, but thanks to some challenges from a couple of great buddies, I feel the need to scrap again - will share in another post.

Ok, I think this brings me pretty much up to date for now - happy H-er (hehehehehehehehehe)\

Me xoxoxoxo