Well after a completely crappy week there are no words that could express how glad I am that the weekend is finally here. I feel like I have been pulled in a thousand different directions this week and I have a sneaking suspicion that this will continue for a little while yet. I really hate this time of year - all the assessment pieces come in at once and the kids are starting to go stir crazy knowing that there is still 3 more weeks until holidays arrive. It is a day to day battle in the classroom to keep them focused and THEN i have to come home and deal with it all over again with Mitch and Lachie ... hehe oh the joys of being a school teacher hehe.
There have been a few highlights of my week though - a few encouraging words from close friends, students who amaze me by how mature they are and how dedicated they are towards their studies and go out of their way to let you know how much they appreciate the effort you make in helping them (sooooooooo makes the job worthwhile) and a special delivery in the mail:

How lucky am I??? This was the prize pack, donated by Bella! that I won for the May Cyber Crop over at Scrapbooking Memories - I showed you the pic a few posts down. Can't wait to get the desk cleared and use some of these yummy products.
No scrapping done at all this week but this is something I completed last weekend before the family arrived to help celebrate Master Lachie's 4th day:

Well I think that is it for now - contemplating whether or not to have a little kip or do some marking .......... hmmmmmmmmmm think sleep wins lol.
Til next time,
Me xoxoxox
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