I just had to take this pic while the boys were decorating the tree - sums up what this time of year is all about - pure joy.

How cute are my two little Santa's??? OK so well I am biased, but hey, what mother isn't lol.
After some not-so-subtle prompting from someone (aka H-er), I thought it was high time I updated this sadly neglected blog.
What can I say but how mad has this year been? It has flown by so quickly - I cannot believe we are 8 sleeps away from Santa's visit. Term Four passed by in a flash - feels like only yesterday I was welcoming 160-ish eager Yr 8's to their new school, yet school has been finished for a week.
Not a lot has been happening with me of late - the main reason for being so quiet was the fact that I got quite sick with a really bad chest infection (my GP suspected Whooping Cough at one stage) which meant a week of total bed rest and then another 3 weeks of taking things easy - well that was two months ago now and I still get the coughs up, particularly late at night and I don't have all my old energy back, although I have started back at the gym this week and have been swimming while the boys have their lessons for about a month now. I also took some time out from all things technological to focus on trying to get my head back in the right space again - my meds messed with the antibiotics I was on and silly me convinced myself that it didn't matter if I didn't take them once the antibiotics were done - BIG mistake. But I think I am slowly getting back to where I was - thanks to some visits to Toowoomba and just resting.
The boys are very excited about Christmas and have been counting down for weeks - can't believe it is just a few days away really.

Hmmmmmmmm I wonder who is being naughty and who is being nice in this pic lol
Up until this week, scrapping had been absent from my life for over two months, but thanks to some challenges from a couple of great buddies, I feel the need to scrap again - will share in another post.
Ok, I think this brings me pretty much up to date for now - happy H-er (hehehehehehehehehe)\
Me xoxoxoxo
1 comment:
Yes My Dear.... this will suffice for now..lol
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