Yet another week has passed and again, I find myself wondering where on earth the week got to. It is hard to believe we are just days away from April which means three big things in our household - 1) a hopping visit from the bunny rabbit [which hopefully includes a hopping visit from H-er and family], 2) my mum's birthday and last but by no means least number 3) our wedding anniversary - 10 years this year. OMG cannot believe it has been almost 10 years but I will leave that until the big day. Lol have to think of reasons to keep getting you to come and visit - who knows, maybe I might even scan a pic or two from the day :o
Had a very quiet weekend - feeling heaps better and think I am all over the vege bug (as Lachlan calls gastro). We took the boys into the Toowoomba Show yesterday - should have gone Friday but with me being sick it would have just been the boys and daddy. They had a great time so that is all that matters.
Finally got around to taking pics of the third LO I did on Friday - the LO was a challenge set by my beautiful, gorgeous, talented friend Beck and this is what I came up with:
Anyway, promised the three men a roast for dinner so I had best go finish it off. Until next time,
mwah mwah
me xoxoxo
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