As much as I hate the word chillaxin' (a cross of chill out and relax for those of you who don't know what it means), this is the one word which sums up my weekend perfectly. Every time I hear the kids at school say the word, the hairs on the back of my next stand up and my insides cringe. But that is the beauty of the English language, it is constantly evolving and changing. Even Shakespeare did it - apparently he made up every third (I think that is the number) word he used. Anyway, enough of the linguistics lesson - I don't want you all falling asleep on me hehehe.
The reason why Chillaxin' was on my mind all weekend was the photo I used in this layout. As soon as I saw this picture of Lachlan on my camera screen, I knew that chillaxin' had to be incorporated onto the layout somehow:

My next scrapping item was the dreaded school picture. I don't know how many of you out there feel the same way as me but I HATE scrapping the annual school portraits. This one is almost two years old and I have lost count of how many times I have pulled it out and put it away all becuase of the background. I seriously do no know what the photography company were thinking when they chose that background to go behind green school shirts. I finally bit the bullet and just grabbed papers, sucked it up and scrapped the layout. Not happy with it but it is another layout for the album:

And finally, I tried move away from my single photo layout trend used in the previous two layouts to create this:

The pictures are from our day trip (one and only day trip - never will I drive up that horrible road again) to O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat in the Gold Coast hinterland. There is nothing wrong with the Retreat itself but omg the road up there leaves a lot to be desired. I am not normally one to succumb to car-sickness (only one other time prior to this and that was due to an unknown pregnancy) but I did not enjoy the car trip at all. The walking trails up there are awesome and the scenery totally beautiful but nope, sorry not for me ever again lol. Please don't let my bad travel experience let me change your mind about heading up there. It is something everyone needs to do once lol.
Heading towards the end of the term. Students have assignments going left, right and centre. My Year 12's are on the countdown for the rest of the year - 8 teaching weeks (or 40 days) according to them; eek is that enough time to get through everything I need to get through???
Have a good week everyone.
Sarah xoxo
I hate the word "Chillaxin'", too...but I love your layouts - they turned out great!
I hate that word too, lol. Is it even a real word?
Lovin' the variety between these three pages. I find that I alternate between multi photos and singles at the moment too.
Hey, I tried to find your email address, but it's not on here. Can you email me at kathielink(at)ozemail(dot)com(dot)au? I want to ask you something.
What great pages and that word is used a lot at our house LOL!!
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