Not a lot has been happening in my world - work is busy busy busy. You would think with the Yr 12's gone, Yr 11's on camp and the Yr 10's on alternate activities for the week that things would have slowed down for me but alas, I appear to be even busier than I was a few weeks ago.
Work is a bit stressful at the moment - the Year 7 into 8 Trial Day is next week, and as the incoming Year Coordinator it is my job to organise the whole day. Sounds simple enough right??? Lol well think again. Add the creation of classes, the personalities and agendas of about 60 or so teachers and all the time constraints that usually go along with something like this and there is bound to be problems.
But who cares about the problems - if I dwell on them now, I will be a FLOCKING mess (hehe just had to put that in for the beasties) by next Wednesday. It is going to be a great day, I have a great group of Yr 11 students who are giving up time out of their holidays to help me so it will be a FLOCKING awesome day (hehe had to do it again).
Now on the scrap front, not a lot is going on at the moment, but inspired by the gorgeous, super talented RIH2002, I started working on this calendar with the intention of maybe doing some for my parents and sis as chrissy pressies. I have a bit left to do to it, and need to re-join it with the calendar but this is a sneak peak of it so far:

Not sure when I will get back to finishing it - probably not until after school finishes on December 12.
Til next time
S. xoxoxoxo
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