To my absolute amazement, my 'Chick Magnet' layout included in the previous post has been picked up for publication. Of the three layouts I sent in yesterday, I can guarantee you 150% that this layout WAS NOT the one I thought might get picked up. But hey, who is complaining, a layout for publication is a layout for publication lol!!!
I spent some time last night sitting and thinking about the post I made yesterday and decided that I analyse things WAY too much and I just need to sit and enjoy the process rather than be caught up with how many layouts I have done. Would I love to be one of those scrappers who churns out fistfuls of layouts every day? Heck yeah, but the reality is, I am slow, I fiddle-fart and fluff-arse around(thanks Dad for describing my creative process) and spend ages just playing, shuffling papers and embellishments around the page.
So from now I just need to remind myself to enjoy the process - it isn't a race to see who can fill the most albums in a year, (although wouldn't that it be great to see scrapbooking as an Olympic event hehehe) it is about the legacy that I am leaving behind for my boys. Deep down, I know that one day years from now they will get a real kick out of looking at themselves as little kids.
Now for some show and tell. I don't know how many of you would recognise the other person in these pictures but it is Rebecca, one of my nearest and dearest friends. We met online about 4 1/2 years ago and have been chatting online almost daily ever since. In January last year, we finally met in real life when H-L and I flew down to visit her for my birthday. The three of us got together again in August last year for a girls weekend away at the Gold Coast (where these pictures were taken). Rebecca was here for a visit just a few weeks ago. I hadn't scrapped any pictures of our time together - mainly because that would involve scrapping photos of myself and that is not something I do a lot of - but the owner of my LSS (parts of website still in the process of construction) asked me to create a LO for her shop and passed a bundle of papers and embellishments by way.Now to be honest, some of the papers are ones that I would never look at or pick out for myself, especially the really girly-girl ones (not much call for pink in a house full of blue lol) but while I was scrolling through my picture files, I came across these ones and knew I just HAD to use them. The title 1297 refers to how many kilometers it is from my front door to Beck's. But it isn't about the distance, it is about what a chance meeting online has become - one of the most amazing friendships I could hope for. This girl means the world to me, she has been there through the highs and lows, she has heard me laugh and has offered comfort when I have cried. It doesn't matter that she is so far away because I know in my heart she is right there beside me all the way.

The other layout I created last night was another tough one for me - not in terms of papers but in terms of embellishements. I was given owls and dinosaurs. Now I will be the first to say I don't mind using birds on my layouts but owls??? Nope, don't want to see them on my pages. There is just something about them that makes me go blah. I guess Debbie was really trying to get me out of my comfort zone with her little embellishment pack. Ok Debbie, have done it once but please don't make me use them again lol.
Righto, I think that is everything I wanted to say for now. A very long post indeed. Until next time, take care.
Me xoxo
Hi, I stumbled across your blog from the Scrapmemories forum. Love your banner and the owl layout above is gorgeous, I went and bought myself some of that very same paper to make some cards with.
S -
Congratulations on being published! That is such an ego booster!
I agree with you regarding owls. They just don't fit into many layout themes. I think you did a wonderful job w/ yours. Your LO looks fantastic!
It's also so wonderful that you found a cyberfriend that is your kindred spirit. How lucky for you! They are few and far between.
Thanks for the offer of the blog candy. I happened across your blog quite by accident and am glad that I did!
Congratulations! I enjoy teh process of just playing, its my hobby and I dont want to just rush through with out enjoyment!!!
The layout is just magical and I love LOVE love the title and its meaning!!!
Love your layouts, great balance and colours. Congrats on being published.
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