I have been plugging away at the pile of photos I have sitting on the table and I have to say it is good to be in a better frame mind. I hate when I let the dark cloud settle over me but, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining and the lining for me is being able to come back out the other side in a better, more positive frame of mind. Gotta to be happy with that. I am still not going to set any records with my scrapping but that's ok; I'm not into it for the records. Here is what I have been up to. I have been channelling some of the Goddesses of Scrapbooking here in Australia:
1. Channelling
Kim Arnold. I love how she pulls off such amazing and stunning layouts, not to mention how she incorporates twine on her layouts. This is my 'Kim' attempt:

My next bit of channelling came from the queen of double layouts,
Pip Prosser. As some of you might remember, I channelled my inner Pip earlier in the year and actually had a layout picked up for publication as a result. This time, I channelled a double to use the pictures taken when Mitchell had his casts taken off:

And finally I have this one. Not sure who I channelled for this one but I do know that I am not 100% happy with it. I need to work on my misting technique (tips anyone???), although I am proud that I finally used the Heidi
Swapp heart mask we got as part of our Create '08 kit.

The school term is drawing to a close here in Queensland which means my long service leave is all but over. Not sure how I feel about going back to work next term. If you would have asked me that question a month ago, I would have told you that I couldn't get back there fast enough but now I am not so sure. I miss the kids but I sure as heck don't miss the politics and mind games with the staff. Some days I wish all I could do is teach and forget all about the other stuff.
After all, the kids are the reason why I became a teacher in the first place.
Oh well, enough of that. I am off to make the most of what is left of my leave.
Thanks for stopping by.
Me xoxo
1 comment:
Wow i love love love love your layouts! esp the kim arnold take!! its just beautiful!
Its the politics that made me leave nursing, some days i think people forget why they chose the job they did. Good luck, enjoy your last lil bit off!!
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