... is what Lachie told told me yesterday when Daddy took his training wheels off. Of course I had to laugh and force mself not to correct him and tell him that a bicycle has two wheels and that is how it moves because he was just so proud and he sounded cute when he said it LOL.
It was amazing to see how quickly he took to riding without his training wheels. His bike has been out of commission for quite some time (insert months rather than weeks) but I finally managed to get some new tubes yesterday morning and Tony finally had some time to fit them. Lachie's first request was for the wheels to come off but seeing as it had been so long since he had ridden the bike, we decided to lift the training wheels up a little bit. Of course, Lachie has always been wanting to push the boundaries - I think mainly to keep up with Mitchell - and within 30 minutes he was begging for them to be removed altogether. Needless to say he has taken to 'no wheels' like a duck to water. Sniffle sniffle, my baby is all grown up :-( .

On the scrapping front, things have been a little bit slow. Mojo is there but not flowing as fast as I would like but beggars can't be choosers. I was hoping to get a lot of scrapping done seeing as it is the holidays but a small handful of layouts for the album is better than no layouts at all. To be honest I am not really liking this layout - I haven't put it away yet in the vain hope that something comes to me. I know it is missing something but everything I have tried doesn't work. Feel free to offer any suggestions if you have any LOL.
Ok off to see if something else will inspire me.
Thanks for stopping by
Me xoxoxo
Me xoxoxo
Cute bike pictures!
Your son looks like he's having a blast! I like your layout just the way it is!
Love your layout! Those pics remind me of my son when he was that age. Couldn't get him to come inside if his life depended on it! Now that he's in his teens, can't get him to go outside!LOL! Thanks for sharing!
love the pictures! i have 2 boyss as well. they are so much fun! thanks for stopping by my blog (siehledwithakiss.blogspot.com) today. i truly appreciate your kind comments! I would love for you to follow me and i would in turn follow you! this blog stuff is so much fun!
oh go lil guy!!! my boys are exactly the same.
love the offset photo in your lo. its lovelly. Did you change it any?
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